May 20, 2020 Edition

Jeju Island Divers


For 400 years, the haenyeo (“sea women") of South Korea’s Jeju Island have been diving to support their families and communities. The tradition was born out of necessity, but over time has brought the women something much deeper.

Sunsoil CBD


If your interest is piqued by CBD as a source of natural relief, you're not alone. But it can be overwhelming to figure out which products are best and which are more hype than help. Knowing the source and quality of the CBD in a product is key. Sunsoil is a brand that does it right. Their USDA certified organic CBD oil comes from hemp grown on the company's own farms in the Green Mountains of Vermont. They use only natural, simple ingredients and do everything in-house, which allows them to offer organic CBD at an accessible price - a rare feat in the CBD industry. Try one of Sunsoil's all-natural products, like their popular Cinnamon Drops or CBD Softgels, with 30% off your first order by using code CAIRN

Python Hunters


The thought of a huge python slithering up on you while out on a hike is terrifying, no? But the more terrifying thought is the destructive impact these invasive species are having on the Everglades. Florida Fish and Wildlife officials have turned to both professional and amateur python hunters for help, and what they do is truly wild.



What day is it? How many times have you asked or been asked that question in the last month? When life feels like it's on repeat day in and day out, it's natural for them to kind of blur together. Hear from experts - like an astronaut that lived on the International Space Station for nearly a year - on what you can do to combat the blurrrrr.

NPS Posters


BIG CLAPS: See the National Park Service's new social distancing posters.

DECIDE: Should you adopt a dog or a grizzly bear?

WATCH: This incredible film made entirely of still nighttime photos outdoors.

SKILL: Three cold-soak recipes for the backcountry.