How Regular Outdoor Activity Can Benefit Your Health (INFOGRAPHIC)

You feel good when you get outside. And science agrees. But research shows that the average American is hard-pressed to get outdoors, with 87% of their time spent indoors and an additional 6% in enclosed vehicles. That leaves just 7% to be spent outside, but this may be the most important way we can spend our time.

Studies have have shown that spending time outside:

  • Reduced Anxiety & Depression
  • Decreased Stress
  • Increased Energy
  • Increased Immunity
  • Increased Vitamin D Production
  • Increased Weight Loss & Fitness

Take a look a Infographic to see how little time is spent outside and how important it is for ourselves and our communities.

Making sure to get outside is good for your health and your community. One of our favorite ways to ensure we get fresh air is a subscription to Cairn. Each month, you will receive the latest gear and adventure inspiration to keep you outdoors and healthy.