8 Reasons Why To Try Outdoor Exercise This Winter

The Expeditioners

Phew! We made it. Here’s to 2021 and all the adventures it holds!

With a majority of gyms still closed, we’re looking at 2021 as the year of outdoor exercise. Whether it’s downhill or cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, hiking, you name it, nature is a pretty incredible healer. After this year, treat yourself to a little self care in the outdoors, and give a little boost to both your physical and mental health.

Behold, our 8 magnificent reasons why getting outside is the best thing you can do for your mind, body, and exercise routine this year.

Getting outside is fun.

Let’s be honest: many of us lack the motivation to go to the gym on a regular basis. Maybe it’s the monotony of taking step after step on the treadmill without actually going anywhere. Or maybe it’s because watching ‘Keeping Up With the Kardashians’ while spin biking isn’t nearly as fun as keeping up with your friends on skis. Either way, why work out on the struggle bus when you can work out and actually enjoy the struggle?

It’s (generally) free.

There’s no startup fee for getting outside. Unless you count gear and gas money (and après, obviously), more often than not, you’ll feel like you got your money’s worth. Once you’ve invested in some gear and used it once or twice, it’s mostly paid for itself. All in all, it’s a fairly cheap and efficient way to break a sweat.

The opportunities are endless.

Downhill skiing, backcountry skiing, cross-country skiing, skate skiing, heli-skiing, tele skiing, snowboarding, split boarding, snowshoeing, snowmobiling, fat biking, sled dog riding, snowman building… the list goes on. Having a wide variety of activities to choose from in the snow means you’ll never get bored of the same routine.

If you live in an area that’s warm year-round, you have even more incentive to get outside and enjoy nature. There are a plethora of opportunities for outdoor exercise no matter what climate you’re in during the winter months (yes, a plethora). Take advantage of them!

You’ll work out muscles you never knew you had.

Anyone who has ever tried skate skiing for the first time remembers how their legs felt afterward--no matter how good of shape you thought you were in. At the gym, your exercise is done when you decide to press stop on the elliptical, or when your workout class is over. But outside, your exercise ends only after you make your way back to your car from deep out in the forest. Not only will you be working out new muscles, but you’ll be burning extra calories without even realizing it.

You can bring your dog.

Dogs = Happiness. Dogs + Exercise = Even More Happiness! It’s a no-brainer.

It’s a great bonding activity.

An outdoor adventure is much more fun to share with a friend than a gym date, from a distance of course! When you’re outside, there’s less reason to close yourself off from the world behind your headphones, and no concern over whether you’re using the equipment the right way. As long as you’re being safe, nature doesn’t care if you’re doing it wrong or how attractive you look sweating through your layers only a quarter of the way up the hill on skins. Plus, fresh air and adventure have a magical way of bringing people together that a gym doesn’t.

The right gear can work wonders.

While it requires a tad bit more planning than your typical gym attire, getting dressed for the outdoors doesn’t have to be hard. The right gear can make a world of a difference when it comes to comfort, warmth, and style in the elements. The Sierra Designs Whitney Jacket in our winter Obsidian collection makes for perfect companions on chilly winter days with little daylight.

Outside looks better on your Instagram feed.

Pictures of mountains > Selfies at the gym.

What’s your favorite way to get your exercise in the outdoors? Share it with us in the comments!