Game Changing Outdoor Gear for Dads
The Cairn Crew Dads have tried out a lot of gear over the years, and built up quite a collection pre-kids. Kids have put a whole new layer on their outdoor experiences, and how they put their outdoor gear to use. Here are their gear picks for upgrading your outdoor family time.
1. Serac Hammock
What kid doesn't love swinging in a hammock? It's an easy item to pack, can provide easy entertainment, and is a good spot for a nap (for you or the little one). This was also a gear pick for new moms by Cairn Crew Jen, so it's a hit all the way around. Learn More
2. Light My Fire Grandpa's FireGrill
Fire-roasted grilled cheese, roasted s'mores can you go wrong? This collapsible little grill pops on the end of just about any stick and makes cooking up kid-friendly meals and snacks super easy and, bonus, clean up is a snap! Learn More
3. Adventure Medical Kit Ultralight & Watertight .7
Most likely, this kit is going to be used for that barely visible scratch that 100% needs a Band-Aid in order to feel better. However, having first aid necessities on hand for the whole family is just smart (hey there, parent of the year) and will give you some peace of mind. Learn More
1. CamelBak eddy Kids' Water Bottle
Keeping the little one hydrated is essential, and easy to do with this bottle. The CamelBak has fun designs, is spill resistant, has a patented bite valve that's easy for kids, and is easy to clean for parents. It's also got an integrated loop handle that makes it easy to carry and clip on your pack.
2. Deuter Kid Comfort 2 Child Carrier
Giving a toddler a cool perch to see all the sights along the trail is a fun way to keep them entertained, safe, and in a nap-friendly location. The Kid Comfort (owned by multiple Cairn Crew parents) is not only really comfortable for your child, but also for you, plus has room for all the snacks, diapers, water, and more for the whole family.
3. Matador Pocket Blanket
You never know when it's going to be impromptu snack, diaper change, or play time...or even when you need an emergency sun or rain cover. This little guy is a little smaller than a deck of cards, so it's easy to bring with you wherever your family adventures take you.
1. Epiphany Outdoors Pocket Bellows
Camping with the family just isn't the same without a good campfire. It keeps the whole crew warm, entertained, and provides the perfect roasted marshmallows. The Pocket Bellows takes up no space and is a complete fire-starting game changer. Even in damp conditions, it'll get that fire going in no time. Learn More
2. Goal Zero Lighthouse 400 Lantern & USB Power Hub
This powerhouse has all the bells and whistles in a compact size. It's got a dimmable lantern that can stand or hang, is rechargeable by plug or hand crank, and can keep your small portable electronics charged (ok, full disclosure, sometimes we all give into mobile device distractions). Learn More
3. Thermacell Radius Insect Repeller
Kids and mosquitos are a pretty terrible combination. The Radius is a rechargeable, silent, scent free way to create a 110 square foot bubble of insect-free joy. No need to spray the kids down or create a cloud of citronella. Just push a button and enjoy life at camp! Learn More