The First Four Years of Cairn (Happy Birthday to Us!)
As we celebrate Cairn's fourth birthday, the Cairn Crew is taking a look back at how the journey started and the trail we've traveled so far.
Though Cairn Co-Founders Rob and Jared met in business school, they really bonded on a group trip to Rwanda that was part of their coursework. It was during the trip that they recognized in each other a shared sense of adventure in the experience. In the past, they had each spent extended periods of time living abroad in remote, developing regions; and it was clear that they had a common affinity for and comfort level with travel and exploration. Hours in cars and planes together also gave them plenty of time to fill with conversation - an opportunity they wouldn't have had otherwise.
While they didn't come out of the trip with any formal agreement to start an outdoor business together, they both were intrigued by the idea of applying some of the innovative ideas they were learning about in school to the outdoor industry. Rob initially approached Jared with a business idea that Jared promptly Googled, discovered it already existed, and crushed Rob's dream ;). But the conversation continued and they sporadically bounced ideas off of each other.
A few months after school ended, Rob shared the idea for Cairn with Jared, and they agreed this was the one. Good call, fellas. Over the last four years, Cairn has moved out of Rob's garage to a sweet spot within strolling distance of great neighbors like Ruffwear and Hydro Flask. The Cairn Crew has grown, and so has the Cairn Community - throughout the US and around the globe! We can't tell you how much we appreciate you making us a part of your journey in the outdoors, and are stoked to deliver you inspiration for ages to come.
We've said it before and we'll say it again...go have that adventure! Who knows what new path, new idea, or new friendship will sprout from it!